Thursday, May 30, 2013

50 Sales & Bog Design

So Tuesday was a great day for me, and my shop! I hit a small milestone of mine, by reaching 50 sales! I know that 50 doesn't seem like a very large number to many of you, but it was goal of mine from the start, that I finally was able to reach. I promised that I would do another giveaway once I reached 50 sales, so be sure to check that out in the next week or so! I'm truly so excited with the success of my shop, Creative Type Designs so far, and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store! 

In other fun design news, I recently worked on my first blog design (other than my own). It was so fun to do, and I'm currently working on adding "blog design" to my shop in the future. Head over to Neal Ink to check it out! This blog is adorable by the way. It's written by four daughters and their mom, and they talk about everything from fashion to make-up to travel! I know their blog will be a hit, and I'm so honored to have been able to design it for them! 

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